We all want to function at our best and it starts at the plate. How and what we eat is a very important element of our overall health. At times, it seems like there is too much information to process about nutrition. It is not helped by the marketing practices of health products. This can lead to confusion and frustration. When we are frustrated, we tend to throw our hands up and quit. We are not going to let you quit. To help you make sense of the sea of information, we will break it down into simplified nuggets.
Today's Nutrition Nugget is about Vitamin E.
Vitamin E is a micro-nutrient. This means the body needs these in very small amounts. Vitamin E is a group of micro-nutrient compounds. This means each compound has a slightly different function in your body. Vitamin E is fat soluble. This means Vitamin E can be stored in the body for future use. Vitamin E destroys free radicals which damage cells. Vitamin E is an antioxidant and contributes to your immune system. It also prevents the oxidation of your LDL cholesterol.
Where We Get Vitamin E
The best source of Vitamin E is in your food. (Remember, your specific diet is a decision best left to you and your qualified health care provider.) Vitamin E is found in mainly plant sources. Meat source foods are generally as a result oils used in their packaging or preparation.
Vitamin E is in Vegetables, Fruits and Nuts:
Vegetables - Asparagus, Avacado, Beet Greens, Broccoli, Dandelion Greens, Mustard Greens, Pumpkin, Red Bell Pepper, Spinach, Swiss Chard, Turnip Greens, Tomato
Fruit - Kimi, Mangoes
Nuts and Seeds - Almonds, Brazil, Hazelnut, Pine, Peanuts, Sunflower
Vitamin E is in Meats:
Meats and Animal Products - Eggs
Vitamin E is in Oils and Fats:
Safflower Oil
Soybean Oil
Sunflower Oil
Wheat Germ Oil
Remember, getting the best out of your food doesn't require a hefty price tag. Add variety in the sources of your nutrition. When it comes to nutrition there is little difference between fresh, frozen or canned.