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Why Water is Important

Writer's picture: WillWill

Whether you get a pet or a plant we know they need water to survive and thrive. No one disputes this fact but when dealing with our own hydration we seem to get confused. We also need a continual supply of water for optimal health.

How much water have you had to drink today? I don’t mean fluids like coffees, teas or sodas, I mean plain old water. If you can’t answer, you are not alone. Many people can't accurately answer that question. Now for the more important question of the day. Do you know how much water you have used today? Don’t feel bad if you found that pretty hard to answer. Did you know that you are using water right now? That's right your brain is using water to read these words. That breath you took, that used water as well. Very few people think about their water usage in this way. This is why so many people are in a water deficit throughout the day. Being in deficit can increase your stress, make you tired, and cause muscle cramps. No one wants this as their daily “normal.” It is shocking how many people ignore the symptoms and take no action to deal with it. The easiest way to deal with a need for water is easy, drink more water. But a recent CDC study found most people don’t hydrate with water. They use sports drinks, juices, coffees or teas as their primary source of fluid intake. Many of those options contain additives which are not beneficial to health.

Improving how you hydrate can help you get to the healthier you. I am not telling you to avoid coffees or other drinks outright. That would be ridiculous, you still have to enjoy the life you are living. We all can find ways to drink more water. If you find it bland and tasteless, add a lemon slice or even a cucumber slice. Don’t knock it until you tried it! Having a hard time changing to water from sodas at a meal time? No problem, have both on the table. Every time you drink a soda have your next drink be an equal amount of water. Work towards two drinks of water for every one drink of soda and keep increasing the ratio.

In closing, remember these two last points. Water is the original “zero calorie” drink. People, pets, and plants all need water to survive and thrive.


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